Tuesday, September 13, 2005

long time, no blog

man I am just down and out and it is hard to feel comfortable typing here when the husband is around.

Not sure if I already wrote any of this. I guess a couple weeks ago, naivly, I asked the husband if M has been back in town. Now I already know that he will tell me no regardless. But I asked anyway, maybe in my sick, tiwsted mind because I want him to at least know I am not just going to believe him and give up that easily into his lies. So any way, he says no and that he hasn't talked to her since that day, D-Day I will call it. So whatever, I don't believe that for a second. There is one way that I could tell that within 24 hours of me asking he had texted her on his phone. So sure enough the cell records are in and no calls to dear miss M since D-Day, BUT big but, I truely believe he is texting her once he is at work or where ever that he can talk and she simply calls him back, knowing that incoming calls don't show numbers on a bill. That or he can call her by payphone, no problem.

So on top of that, he is seems to be so into some girl he met at a sports camp or world games or some shit, I really am not sure, as the ones he doesn't talk about or to when I am around I know are usually the ones to worry about. ANyway she calls and I have already seen that she has, but he doesn't know that, and he erases her from his history on the cell phone. But they have a lot of logged calls, half hour, hour at a time through the night. Now she I think she is out of town so I try not to worry, but we all know that isn't gonna happen. So I am still trying to figure out what is with this J chick. Even if nothing physical is going on, there is a reason he is calling her all hours of the night(and not just because there schedules work that time of day, one of his excuses) and there is a reason he erasing all the text messages to and from and a reason that he erases her history and a reason that she calls him and perfect time, knowing when the husband is at school or work, or golfing whatever.

What pisses me off is these girls know more his schedule then I do and he doesn't seem to think that is a problem. I just can't figure out why he cant come out and admit he is a sexual addict, of many sorts and figure something out for his families sake.

Okay I know all this is nuts and a waste of my time, think about my kids and stop stressing all that jazz. But it is hard. No I haven't gone for help professionall, clerically or with friends and I don't plan to right now. I would like to get in with my family physician and will take things from there, not sure I will tell her a lot but as far as my health goes with try to take care of that, better


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