Wednesday, August 17, 2005

not sure what to say

i really hate this pretending crap. I guess I dream of the husband at least being nice to me or kissing my ass and he doesn't even care to do that anymore. I get some generic, crap kiss when he leaves and when he gets home how sweet. Not even his used to be usual "I love you" which didn't mean anything anyway. But I still liked to hear it.

I can't bring myself to be nice to him or touch him, which is probably a good thing, makes it easier not to fall back into that pattern. Mostly I am dying to know just how much he talked to M after I told him I knew,not that it should matter because I know he has talked to her and that is already too much. But I just would like to know, is he talking to her every night, several times a night?

And the girl that called him the other night, he still could give to shits to even make up an excuse as to what the hell is up with that. I am sure he has since called her a lot.

I just ache and simply I am sad. But I am focusing more on my kids and thinking of things to make them happy, in the long run and now. if daddy decides to get up and have some fun with them or help with them Whatever, but I don't count on it anymore and don't plan too. I will find a way


Blogger Rob said...

There's no point in wondering if and what your husband may be discussing with his assorted bimbo sluts. All that will do is upset you, have no effect on him, and things will just continue as is. Instead you might want to mentally separate from his life altogether and concentrate on your own with your kids. Seek out whatever happiness that you can without him. Just use him as a paycheck source, just like he's using you to keep house and mind the kids. Why have you not yet sought advice from anyone and are trying to cope with this b/s of his all alone? That's no life. Seek some help so that you can cope better.

3:32 AM  

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