Sunday, August 14, 2005

Back to the daily grind...

we have had some interesting developments outside of marriage/affair problems but here we are back to the daily grind since the husband got home. I am again sulking before bed and just thinking back on the last few days, getting pissed of course. I am just so sad, and so tired of being sad.

We had some nice little "family" times this weekend, isn't that special, too bad it doesn't mean shit to the husband. He even took me to a movie, of which I wished on was on the total opposite end of the theater than him. It was a really good movie and I need the laughs, but only half enjoyed it because all the while little "triggers" were setting me off throughout the movie.

So I got through the first couple days the husband was back in town and him pretending nothing has happend and I wasn't just blowing up at him about him with another girl. Anyway we had some extraordinary circumstances and I didn't even have to be alone with him for a couple days, once that settled down he was back to work. ANd don't you know that first night, he left his phone at home. He said later he couldn't find it, I feel sorta like he is playing head games(more on that another time). Anyway, sure enough like clock work, like 2 minues after his shift is to start, some little missy calls. I answered it, I really have no shame and fuck it I am the wife and it seems to me must(if not all his little hussies) know he has a wife and kids. She didn't say shit, but I knew the number as one from the past. I told her the asshole forgot his phone and home and she would have to botty call him tomorrow. she hung up.

So that has me pissed and I can't keep my mouth shut so I said something, who knows when he called her back but I am sure he has. And still no mention of miss M that I found out about while he was gone.

So now we are back to the daily ground and I had to be home with him all day, withthe kids at least. So I just putzed around the house trying to stay in separate rooms all day. Until he went to bed before work. It seems to be really working. He has tried some suttle kisses or nudges and cuddling in bed, all of which make me physically ill and want to kick him. But I am pissed and not pudging, he will never stop this BS and I know it, so I am just trying to fight and get through this day.


Blogger Rob said...

And I guess, to top it all off, all you need to have happen is for him to pick up some social disease from one of his sluts and pass it on to you. Ever worry about that risk? You two really need to settle things or get counseling or you leave to a woman's shelter before your life gets really screwed up big time for years to come. Don't delay or you will soon regret it.

3:36 AM  

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