Friday, August 05, 2005

He's not even a good cheating husband

so call me crazy, but if you are going to cheat on your wife and you want to hide it, won't you do everything you could to get her mind off of the issue. I mean reassure your undying love, send flowers, take her out something to "prove" to her you love her. Sounds sick I know, but my god show so effort if you goal is to have your cake and eat it to, especially if you want the cake to stay.

Anyway, I blew yesterday on the phone at the husband, after reading a email his new young dumb girl sent him. There is a pattern, more on that later. And he took the "someone is spreading lies" defense, as if it wasn't there in black and white. They were just together on Tuesday, and Wednsday before he left we had it out some more about him and affairs. I didn't expect anything less than lies, but if your gonna lie, poor it on me. Call me all times of the day, tell me you love me, don't take a nap before you decided to call me back after your wife just found out you have a new girlfriend.

He just takes it so non-chalantly now. Like I said, I want him to at least feel bad he is hurting me, but I know that is unrealistic.

Sadly the pattern repeats itself. So I am sure he has already called this girl, M. He will be upset with her that she emailed him that shit and he will tell her no more emails, especially until he can change his password. So there goes that line of knowledge for me. So he will be mad with her but get over it, he will think things will smooth over, but they wont. She will slip again. All the young dumb ones will. See the young girls, they start to think they are in love and he will leave HA!(not if he can't even admit to seeing you). But they will carry on for as long as it takes for them to find a real man, no one that only sees them in the shadows.

Now catching him with the more mature girls that know they are just in it for the booty call that is harder, I usually only have phone records. because they are just as non-chalant as them, just out of a big relationship(married or not) and just looking for some play, not commitment.

I gotta go, I mopped around all day yesterday, so today I guess I start anew pretending we are living alone and happy with the husband. till next time.


Blogger Rob said...

There's really no use in bothering to check his emails with his bimbos. You already now are aware of things so, rather that read the b/s and get more upset (which won't change him, so it seems), better that you try to mentally (if not actually) write him off from your life and look after your own emotional well being. In the comments, that seem to have disappeared, I had asked if you had anyone there in real life that you could seek help from - close friend, relative, clergy, any kind of support person, rather than keep it all inside yourself. At least then you might get help in finding out what your future options are, rather than trying to cope alone with all this drama.

9:37 AM  

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