Sunday, July 31, 2005

I am to the point that I ALMOST don't care

but don't fucking lie to me alright. Can't we be beyond that by now.

So it seems the husband has a couple new regulars. One I found out about and then in my sick and twisted process to find out more I found the other one, what a treat ;o)

Anyway, it seems the other night while suppose to be at work, he was at the strip club for god knows how long. Normally not a big deal. Hell, please take me with you, or normally let me reap the benefits when you leave. But now. The husband says nothing about it. "How was work?" I ask and he continues to complain about how much it sucked or whatever, just another boring night(yeah right). Later he asks me to go get him something, take the money from his wallet. I unfold the money to use and there is a strip club coupon in there(what ever that is all about, what strip club has coupons, pay for one STD, get one free?). So when I get home I round about ask him what he really did last night, give him to say something, as if he would.

I told him I am guessing you went to the strip club. He, in true cheater fashion, proceeds to get defensive and angry for me. Hey asshole, don't get shitty with me, the least you can do at this point, is stop the fucking lies about watching some titties.


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