Tuesday, August 01, 2006

reunion of sorts...

much earlier than expected.

So I know he is looking into a reunion of sorts. He has said to them that he is going and it will be rough at home but who cares. Which I am not suppose to know. So that means lie to the wife, let her bitch about him being gone and who the fuck cares.

So I think there is something brewing for the end of this month. I am so fucking livid right now. I just want to wait patiently and then take off with everything when he is gone. I am sick of being here when he comes back for fucking around like that.

But scared to death. I have no where to go, no money. I am like PT min. wage right now, no means whatso ever. Yeah in the long run he would pay child support maybe even alimony but only if I can afford a better lawyer than him and I am sure I can't. he will just intimidate and be brutal. What the fuck!!!

Why can't he just come clean and leave since he hates this life so much?